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Groundcover Roses

Groundcover roses come in various colors and forms, from our Rainbow Happy Trails to our Red Ribbons, and are perfect for covering large stretches of empty ground. Whether it be a slope or a rocky area, our low growing roses will make the area feel like another part of your beautiful at-home garden.

Breck's Groundcover Roses for Sale

The colour, size, and bloom form of groundcover roses will vary, depending on the variety—some are even delightfully fragrant. The smaller forms are perfect for window boxes and hanging containers, where the canes will spill over the sides. Minimal maintenance is required, so you can also plant them in areas that are hard to reach and enjoy a traffic-stopping floral display from spring through fall!

How Do You Plant Groundcover Roses?

Our easy to care for rose ground covers grow only 1-3' high, yet can spread twice that and more! Plant them where you want low-growing, low-maintenance color. They'll fill in quickly to blanket a bank with blooms, create a sensational swath of color in a perennial bed, edge a path or driveway, or cascade over a wall or out of a hanging basket. Groundcover roses bloom continually throughout the season, covering their long, sprawling canes with eye-catching hues. Most groundcover roses can be planted in USDA zones 4-10.

How Do You Prune Groundcover Roses?

Start by trimming groundcover roses when you see growth in March. Try to cut back healthy shoots by one-third and side shoots by two buds. If your low growing roses start to become difficult to manage, cut them down to within 8 inches of the ground. Typically, the roses have a positive response to this.

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