The Most In-Demand Flower in Every State
Flowers symbolize rebirth, understanding, compassion, and love -- all of which are attributes and emotions needed in a year filled with unbridled uncertainty. Tending to flower gardens, foraging for wildflowers, and creating floral arrangements at home have become welcomed outlets for stress relief and renewed health during a new normal.
Flowers play a significant role in times of love, loss, and celebration. In tribute to flowers and the joy they bring to many Americans, we conducted a study where we found the most popular flowers around the U.S. by online search volume and by both wholesale and retail sales revenue in every state.
In order to determine the most in-demand flower in every state, we looked at Google Trends search volume data over a 90-day period (March through May 2019) and over the past year. Using the USDA's Census of Horticultural Specialties, we've also determined the best-selling flowers in the U.S. as well as which states sold the most of each best-selling flower.
We analyzed the sales revenue of three different flower types sold:
- Bedding/garden annual flowers
- Potted flowering plants
- Cut flowers (in bunches & stems)
Lastly, we investigated where in the U.S. the most-searched flower overlaps with the best-selling flower. Read on to see the results!
The Most Searched Flower in Every State | Social Distancing Edition

As a -˜stabilizing force', flower gardening is helping people all over the world form healthy routines and feel grounded this summer while social distancing, according to Marketwatch. Both new and seasoned gardeners are using online search to see how they can grow their current gardens or build one for the first time. The most-searched flowers throughout the U.S. during March through May 2020 were hyacinth (4 states), calla lilies (4 states), cyclamen (4 states), gardenias (3 states), and gladiolus (3 states).
The Most Searched Flower in Every State Over the Past Year

The most searched flowers throughout the U.S. over the past year were sunflowers (9 states), hyacinth (7 states), camellias (4 states), tiger lilies (3 states), and cyclamen (3 states). Tulips, daffodils, irises, begonias, and orchids were runner-ups in terms of the highest search volume across the U.S
The Best Selling Flowers in the U.S

According to the USDA's census, petunias are the best-selling bedding annual flower in the U.S. with annual sales revenue of over $262 million, reported by both wholesale and retail businesses. Out of any other state, Ohio sells the most petunias, with reported sales revenue of $16.6 million. Geraniums, pansies, and begonias hold the next three spots for best-selling bedding annual flowers in the U.S. States that sell the most of each are North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia, respectively.

Orchids win the number one best-selling potted flowering plant in the U.S. by a landslide, with annual sales revenue of $86.3 million, reported by both wholesale and retail businesses. Out of that $86.3 million, California sells the most orchids, reporting annual sales revenue of $55.2 million. We ran the numbers and California sells enough potted orchids in a year to fill 11,650 backyard greenhouses or fill the square footage of 595 average-sized California homes.

Tulips are the best selling cut flowers in the U.S., with annual sales revenue of $65.3 million, reported by both wholesale and retail businesses. Out of any other state, Washington sells the most cut tulip stems, with reported annual sales revenue of over $13 million. Other top sellers for cut flowers in the U.S. are oriental and asiatic lilies, gerbera daisies, tea roses, and irises.
A few more fun facts:
- Washington sells enough tulip stems in a year to fill vases for every person living in New England
- Washington sells enough daffodil stems in a year to fill vases for every single person living on the West Coast (California, Oregon, & Washington)
- Florida sells enough potted hibiscus plants in a year to fill 11,000 backyard greenhouses or fill the square footage of 736 average-sized Florida homes

Wrap Up
During our study, we found five states where the most searched flower matched the best-selling flower in that specific state: California (orchid, potted), Florida (hibiscus, potted), New York (tea rose, cut stems), North Carolina (lily, cut stems), and Washington (dahlia, cut stems). The overlap shows the ubiquitous nature of certain flowers in a handful of states around the U.S.
We've shared our insights and now we'd love to hear yours! Which flowers have you found success with over the last few months? Let us know by sharing your own flower photos with us on social media @brecks_bulbs or using #brecksbulbs.