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Moving Dividing Daffodils

Moving and Dividing Daffodils

Overcrowding, a decline in bloom quality, or just a desire for an exciting new garden design -“ there are many reasons to need to move and divide daffodils. Moving and dividing the bulbs remains integral to growing daffodils, well worth getting the hang of.

When to Transplant Daffodils

Daffodils can be lifted year round, even when "in the green," although moving them while they bloom often means losing out on the following year's bloom. When the leaves have mostly, but not all turned brown -“ the period of late spring to early summer -“ is ideal for the job. The bulbs have prepped up for next spring and the leaves can easily guide you to the bulbs' location.

How to Transplant Daffodils

Once you have determined when to divide your daffodils. Here's what to do next-¦

  • Use a shovel or pick to dig into the ground several inches away from the bulb clump and work your way around, taking care you don't accidentally cut into the bulbs. Lift the clump and gently shake off excess soil to reveal the bulbs.
  • Divide daffodil bulbs by twisting and pulling them off the clump. It usually takes a slight tug to separate the roots from the clump. Dispose of all damaged, mushy, infected looking bulbs.
  • If you wish to replant right away, sow them at the new site at the original depth, making sure the leafy growth is above, the bulb and white stem are under the soil line. Water well after replanting.
  • If you intend to replant daffodils in fall, you'll need to store them properly so they can survive the stretch. Lay them all out indoors on clean, dry newspapers and leave them be for 7-10 days.
  • Remove the leaves when they're crisp and brown and gently brush off any dirt that's still sticking to the bulbs. Go easy, there's no need to wash the bulbs or to get them absolutely spot free.
  • Place the bulbs in nylon or mesh bags (cleaned onion sacks will do just fine too), label them and then store them in a cool, dry but ventilated location.
  • Come fall, take out bulbs and inspect them. A soft bulb is a dead bulb and should be safely disposed of. Plant the good ones in suitable locations, about 4-6- deep and water thoroughly immediately afterwards.

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