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Popular Season In Every State

Most Popular Season in Every U.S. State

Spring's floral wonderland is around the corner. As northern residents shovel their driveway in the winter, they're reminiscing on the days of summer. As Floridians crank up the A/C, they're wishing autumn would arrive sooner. What's your favorite season? Read on to see what America's favorite and least favorite season is!


To find out whether America's favorite season involves cuddling with a pumpkin spice latte or sandy beach towels, we used Google Trends data from December 2017 to December 2021. In this study, we determined the most popular season in every U.S. state, while also surveying 1,000 Americans about their most and least favorite seasonal activities, foods, and more!

The Most Popular Season in Every U.S. State

The Most Popular Season in Every U.S. State

So, what is the most popular season? The verdict is in! A total of 40 states choose spring as their favorite season. The Midwest, West, and South agree that spring gives you the best of both worlds, beautiful scenery and perfect weather. One in two people prefers a day outside in the 70s. The most popular season in the Northeast is Summer. Most Americans say they are likely to go out drinking in the summer, while one in two are most social in general during the season. Nearly half of Americans say they would get rid of winter before any other season. Although no one enjoys the chilly winds of the winter, one in two Americans' favorite celebrations of the year are during the winter season.

Alaska and Vermont are the only two states that say winter is the most wonderful time of the year. While they're rocking around the Christmas tree, Maine, Tennessee, and West Virginia enjoy taking a breezy stroll through a pumpkin patch in fall. Connecticut, D.C., Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island choose the summer sun over all other seasons.

Most Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers would rather live somewhere that is always hot; even though all generations say they spend the most money on their winter wardrobes. While the heat can feel nice during those colder months, most Americans prefer blasting their A/C in the summer to cranking up the heat in the winter.

Seasonal Edition

Although spring is a fan favorite, 54% prefer sitting back and watching the leaves change color than flowers bloom. A majority of Generation Z would rather be cozied up by a warm bonfire as the temperatures begin to fall, while the older generations all prefer a trip to the beach as the sun shines down on the coast.

During each season, you may notice major differences in how you wake up but 84% say it's harder to wake up for their work day in winter, while 16% say it's more difficult in the summer. Sleep may be better but the varying temperatures have varying effects. 60% would rather get sunburned than have their toes and fingers frozen in the cold.

American's Favorite Food

As for pumpkin spice everything, Gen Z is the generation most likely to choose a pumpkin spice latte as their fall/winter beverage. Their favorite beverage during summer heatwaves and nice spring days in the garden is lemonade. Hot chocolate is the winter drink second in command, with over 1 in 2 survey respondents saying it is their favorite fall/winter beverage. As for food, one in two Millennials prefer watermelon to chili as a seasonal dish. But most men prefer to eat chili, while women prefer watermelon.

The Most Popular Season Overall

Spring has stolen America's hearts and is ranked the most popular season overall. Warmer weather and longer days, there's nothing like opening up your window on a bright spring day to let in fresh air. As colorful blooms come out of hiding, many of the most popular flowers start to bloom and vegetable sprouts become ready to eat.

Closing Thoughts

That wraps up our study on the most popular season in the U.S. Fresh blooms captivated the hearts of America. As the temperature slowly rises, gardeners prepare to plant their seeds, and Breck's got you covered. Check out our perennials, flower bulbs, and garden essentials to have an eye-catching spring garden.

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