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Spring Bulbs For Every Stage Of Spring

Spring bulbs for every stage of spring

"Spring is nature's way of saying, let's party!" - Robin Williams

While nature gets busy redecorating the world, you may be trying to remember what you planted, and where. Chances are, if you planted spring bulbs, you'll be in for a treat! Spring bulbs offer a breathtaking range in color, shapes and sizes and, with a little planning, you can be guaranteed stunning blooms right through the season. Take a look at the best spring bulbs for the different stages of spring.

Spring bulbs for very early spring blooms

What flowers bloom when there's still chill in the air and snow on the ground? Only the toughest, and some of the prettiest! Early snow glories, snow crocuses, galanthus bulbs (snowdrops and double snow drops), early daffodils, winter aconite and dwarf irises are some of the most captivating candidates for your very early spring garden.

Spring bulbs for Early spring blooms

Emperor and species tulips, hyacinths and trumpet daffodils are some of the most popular of all early spring flowering bulbs. Grecian windflowers and giant crocuses are excellent choices for your early spring garden as well, with both offering a wide range in delightful spring colors.

Spring bulbs for mid spring blooms

Midway through the party, you'll see giant daffodils, triumph tulips, and Darwin tulips. Throw in some muscari, too!

Spring bulbs for late spring blooms

As the party nears its end, it's time for the crescendo! There's no topping the grace and grandeur of single late tulips and parrot tulips. The same can be said of English wood hyacinths and golden bells daffodils. Not to be forgotten, English bluebells in bloom are an absolute, incomparable delight.

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