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Wish Breezands Daffodil Fields

Wish You Were Here: Breezand's daffodil fields

Have you ever wondered where our daffodil bulbs originate? They're grown in Breezand, a village in the Dutch province of North Holland! We've been working with the best growers and biggest "bulb houses" of Holland for decades, and have found that this small village is the spot for great daffodils. Daffs are a way of life here - hybridizers are constantly creating new and gorgeous varieties, as well as keeping up production of classic heritage daffodils. When catalog season arrives, Breezand's growers are ready to harvest the bulbs of these daffodils and ship them to gardeners throughout North America and Europe!

Daffodils, also called jonquils or narcissus, are a sure sign of spring in many cultures, and have long served as symbols of renewal and hope throughout the world. The beauty of the narcissus is described even in its name: in Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hunter who fell in love with his own reflection.

A tall,elegant stalk is a distinguishing characteristic of the daffodil, as is its unique flower. While the classic large-cupped daffodil is a mainstay in many spring gardens, daffodils are grown in a wide variety of colors and shapes. Daffodil flowers range in color from white to orange, and some varieties feature red or pink shades. Several wild species have double flowers, and some hybrids feature multiple rows of petals. Varieties, also called butterfly or papillon daffodils, feature split cups that spread along the petals. Yet other varieties feature multiple blooms per stem, hanging flowers, or backwards-pointing petals.

Just as in North America, daffodils in Holland tend to bloom in late March or early April. Most varieties feature a bloom time of several weeks, and they multiply year after year! They add a fantastically spring-y touch to garden beds and borders, and make excellent cut flowers - perfect for decorating for Eerste (Easter)!

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