Blog Post
The Best Cities in the U.S. for Green Thumbs
I. Intro At Breck's, we see gardening as more than a healthy extracurricular activity -“ it's a lifestyle that feeds the mind, body, and soul, especially at times when staying...
Growing Tips For Lily Flowers
Lilies add brilliant colour and fragrance to the summer garden. Lilies: The Joys of the Summer Garden Whether you're new to gardening or a gardening pro, you'll want to consider...
How To Grow Bearded Irises
When you look at the many vibrant members of the iris family, it's not hard to see why Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus named the group after the Greek goddess of...
How To Grow & Care For Bee Balm Plants
Bee balm is a must-have for pollinator gardens. An Overview of the Bee Balm Plant Bee balm, also called monarda or bergamot, is a classic garden perennial that's a must-have...
All About Pollination
Plan Bee: Attract Pollinators to Your Garden Savvy growers understand the crucial role the bee and butterfly and other pollinators play in their gardens, nurseries, orchards, vineyards and farms. How...
Planting Grape Hyacinth, Muscari
Planting and Caring for Muscari They're colourful, carefree, vigorous and pleasantly scented. They have a well-deserved reputation as a reliable perennial and excellent naturalizer. They attract bees, but foraging deer...
15 Easy to Grow Houseplants
Here's to Houseplants - Keeping your house (and thumb) green all year Houseplants not only look fantastic in almost any indoor space, but they also improve your home's environment by...
The Best Bulbs For Shade
Spruce up Shady Spots with Easy-Care Bulbs Planting spring bulbs in shady spaces might possibly be the easiest way to spruce up the often-forgotten areas of the landscape with colour,...
Early Spring Blooming Flowers
Planting early blooming flowers generously throughout your garden or landscape is the best way to usher in the warming days of spring. Just imagine large swathes of colour and texture...
12 Full-Sun Perennials Flowers That Bloom All Summer
Homeowners and gardening pros agree: Full-sun perennials that bloom throughout the summer are treasured additions to any landscape. That's why Breck's makes sure to stock plenty of our favourite varieties...
Best Shade Perennials
The 8 Best Shade Perennials for Your Garden Creating a beautiful, interesting, textural shade garden can be challenging at best. Plus, for those who have an affection for flowering plants,...
Gardening Tips for Zones 5 & 6
Encompassing parts of the country from coast to coast, planting zones 5 and 6 are the most common areas to which perennials and bulbs are compatible. So, if you are...
Dutch Treat Tulipmania Forever
Beautiful, jewellike, ephemeral -” the tulip has been an object of passion for centuries. The first Tulips grew wild in the area now known as Kazakhstan, and they spread east...
Breck’s Breeder Bio: Arie Blom
Arie Blom is a top hybridizer of one of the world's most popular perennials, but how he got his start in the business is a veggie tale. Arie is a...
Houseplants look good and help us feel good
The 1970s was a time for fads: pet rocks, leisure suits, mood rings, CB radios- the list goes on and on. Houseplants also became an obsession during the decade, tenaciously...
Lily Lovers
Introducing Now that Breck's new Lily Lovers catalogue is on coffee tables and kitchen islands all over America, we thought it was the perfect time to express our affection for...
Flowers for generations and generations to come
A message from Ben van der Veldt, Breck Holland Directeur: 2018 marks our 200th anniversary-”a milestone I am very honoured to be a part of. As you may know, I...
Our Anniversary
Breck's is proud to be America's largest direct-to-consumer Dutch bulb importer, but 200 years ago, it was just a man with a dream and a passion for flowers. Established by...
Ben and the team visit the van der Meijs nursery
In January, we caught up with Ben van der Veldt at the van der Meijs nursery-”the birthplace of Wow! ® King-Size Hellebores. New for spring 2018 planting, these remarkable hybrids...
Ben Family History of Hyacinths
Our anniversary tagline, Flowers for Generations-¦and the Generations to Come, has special meaning for our Holland Directeur, Ben van der Veldt. As a third-generation bulb man, his horticulture roots go...
The Art of Daffodils
If you grow daffodils, it's very possible that you'll occasionally snip off a few blooms to arrange in a vase or a Mason jar. Some gardeners use old pails to...
All About Sea Holly
The sea holly is a marvelous plant in many ways-”it captivates with its unique clustered blooms and spiny-toothed leaves, is amazingly versatile, is fairly easy to grow and requires minimal...
How To Store Dahlia Tubers Over Winter
Dahlias are a delight to grow every summer-”a celebration of captivating colour and natural beauty. But in order to ensure that next summer's carnival is as splendid as this year's,...
Drying flowers and plant materials
Flowers fade and die -“ it's one of nature's more questionable and perhaps least sensible policies. But we who cling to broken straws making desperate grabs at fleeting moments of...