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Reblooming Iris

There is no sweeter sight in summer than a landscape richly adorned by bright, beautiful irises. Thanks to our variety of colourful reblooming bearded irises, you can enjoy an even longer season of graceful elegance and vibrant charm. These vigorous varieties offer an wild double feature! Enjoy generous, richly coloured reblooming iris in mid spring and then again in late summer to early fall. Blooms in a host of hues and forms are sure to add a sophisticated look to any garden.

57 Results

57 Results

Breathtaking reblooming irises in every color of the rainbow, for every garden use! You'll find reblooming iris plants for your exact growing zone, preferred blooming time and height in this diverse collection. Check it out below. Discover Breck's whole selection of iris rhizomes to add more of your favorites to your garden.