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Double Lilies

Lush, double lilies are perfect for Lily Lovers who are allergic, and also for anyone who dislikes cleaning pollen stains from clothing and furniture. Double lilies produce no pollen, so they won't make allergy sufferers sneeze or leave pollen stains on hands, clothing or tables. Shop our double lily bulbs for sale today.

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12 Results

Double Lilies for Sale

Featuring twice the petals of standard oriental lilies but none of the pesky pollen, double lilies will be a welcome sight (and scent) nearly anywhere. They add elegance to cut arrangements and elevate summer borders with their statement-making pastel blooms. Allergy sufferers agree that the exceptional qualities of these remarkable lilies are nothing to sneeze at:
• Big, fully double lily blooms.
• Large bulbs produce 3 to 6 flowers each.
• Pollen-free—great for cutting gardens
• Flowers have a strong, sweet scent.