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Lily Trees

Shop our selection of Lily Trees bulbs for a beautiful statement flower in your garden or landscape. Eye-catching Lily Trees deliver massive, upward-facing flowers with vivid color, fragrance, and exceptional dependability for 3+ weeks in midsummer

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What are Lily Trees?

Lily Trees, or Orienpet lilies, are tall, thick-stalked lilies bred from Oriental lilies for their colours and large, beautiful flowers. Despite their name, lily trees are not actually trees at all. Instead, they're a unique hybrid of trumpet lilies and Oriental lilies—and they offer the best of both worlds. Tree lilies are both exceptionally tall, and available in a wide variety of large-blooming, Oriental-type shapes and colours. With their own unique qualities and fragrance, Lily Trees will add a striking, picturesque beauty to your landscaping or garden.

Can Lily Trees Grow in Shade

Lily trees prefer full sun or a bit of partial shade. If you check out the lineage of these beautiful plants, you'll see why they're such sun lovers! Lily trees are a variation on oriental lilies, which are true sun plants. All types of "true" lilies prefer sun, and bloom best when they receive at least six hours of sunlight each day. However, lily trees can handle a bit of shade or dappled sunlight, especially in the afternoon.

How to Grow and Care for Lily Trees

Tree lilies are quite easy to care for, and their stately form and large blooms create a pleasant payoff. In addition, these plants are perennials-they'll come back bigger and better each year. To get started growing, select the right planting place, and plant at the right time.

Tree lilies are grown from rhizomes, and are typically planted in the fall for mid-summer blooming. Buy your tree lily bulbs from Breck's, and we'll send them to you at just the right time to plant! Work your soil well before planting, and add compost if you need to improve your soil quality. Tree lilies, like other Oriental lilies, aren't particularly picky about soil, but will benefit from well-aerated soil with plenty of organic material.

Tree lilies should be planted in direct sun, in a location that receives at least six hours of sunlight per day, with well-draining soil. Tree lilies flourish in zones 3-8, so be sure to check your zone before committing to planting tree lilies. Plant your tree lily rhizomes about 6 inches deep, setting the rhizomes 9 to 12 inches apart. Since Orienpet lilies will grow much larger than standard lilies, make sure you account for ample space for the larger blooms.

Ater planting your lilies, water them in well. If you live in a cold region, you may want to mulch over the planting area before the winter. Then, simply wait for spring to arrive. Resume watering once the plants have sprouted. Your lilies won't need much attention, but should be watered during dry spells, and fertilized with a balanced fertilizer at the beginning and middle of the season. Once the flowers fade, leave the foliage on the plants—it is necessary for your lilies to gather energy for the upcoming season. You can cut the lilies all the way to the ground in fall, before mulching again.