Pollen-Free Lilies—Everything You Love...Nothing You Don't
Featuring twice the petals of standard oriental lilies, pollen-free double lilies will be a welcome sight (and scent) nearly anywhere. They add elegance to cut arrangements and elevate summer borders with their statement-making pastel blooms. Allergy sufferers agree that the exceptional qualities of these remarkable lilies are nothing to sneeze at:
• Pollen free—no sneezes and no stains.
• Large bulbs produce 3 to 6 flowers each.
• Big, fully double blooms.
• Flowers have a strong, sweet scent.
A Brief History of Roselilies
Roselilies have their beginnings at a Dutch company now called de Looff Lily Innovation BV. The business, founded by Cornelis de Looff, started in the fruit trade and later turned its focus to flower production. His sons—Tonny, Martin and Johan de Looff—became interested in developing new varieties of lilies and, in 1993, created a breeding program. Within a few years, they were surprised to find an Oriental lily of theirs had spontaneously mutated. Its multilayered petals gave this double-flowering lily the look of a rose, so it was dubbed the roselily.