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Looking for a unique lily plant for your garden? Try our lily tree plants and other unique lilies such as our beautiful Canna Lilies! Lilies are a favored spring bulb due to the many colours and types available for planting. Lily flowers are not a one size or one colour fits all affair. With so many varieties to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect match for your environment. For example, tiger lilies have large pink petals with red veins and dark red specks. These lilies give off a fragrant oriental scent that will make both your yard and home smell sweet. Tiger lilies grow to be around 3 feet tall, thus making these lily flowers a great plant for the back of a garden or flower bed. Lily trees add a new dimension to your lily garden - these trumpet lilies can grow up to eight feet tall and offer many blooms throughout the season.
Different lily bulbs will bloom at different times. In order to make your landscape bloom all season, be sure to get a few varieties and plant them in various areas of your space. In general, lilies thrive in full sun to partial shade and need a well-drained, clay, loamy or sandy soil. Overall, once planted, lilies tend to be hearty, maintenance-free flowers. Well-maintained plants will return from year to year. Lily flowers give the gardener the best of both worlds, a beautiful, fragrant, low-maintenance flower that will return each year, providing not just great coverage but colour.
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