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Metric conversion 1"=2.5cm, 1 foot=30cm
Flowering Time Planting Depth Spacing Flowering Height Suitable for naturalizing Comments
Miniature Iris 3-4" 3-4" 5" Y Good for borders
Snow Crocus 3" 2-3" 3-5" Y Multiplies annually
Snowdrops 3" 2-3" 4-6" Y Long-lasting
Snow Glories 3" in groups" 4-7" Y Long-lasting
Stardrift 3" 2-3" 4-5" Y Long-lasting
Winter Aconite 3" 2-3" 3-4" Y Ground Cover
Miniature Daffodil 3" 3-6" 6-8" Y Ground Cover
Emperor Tulips 6" 3-6" 14-16" N Cut flowers
Giant Crocus 3" 3-4" 4-5" Y Borders
Hyacinths 6" 4-6" 8-10" N Fragrant
Jumbo Crocus 3" 3-4" 4-5" Y Borders
Peacock Tulip Mix 6" 3-6" 8" N Rock gardens
Kaufmanniana Tulips 6" 3-6" 5-15" N Borders
Star of Holland 3" 2-3" 6" Y Long-lasting
Trumpet Daffodils 6" 4-6" 16-20" Y Cut flowers
Grecian Windflowers 3" in groups 3-4" Y Ground cover
Crown Imperials 8" 8-12" 34-36" N Prevents rodents
Double Early Tulips 6" 3-6" 8" N Borders
Dwarf Fritillaria 3" 2-3" 12-14" Y Multiplies annually
Fritillaria Persica 8" 4-8" 3-4" N Borders
Grape Hyacinths 3" 2-3" 6-8" Y Ground Cover
Multi-Floral Tulips 6" 3-6" 6-24" N Long-lasting
Perennial Tulips 6-9" 3-6" 16-26" Y Borders
Single Early Tulips 6" 3-6" 16-18" N Cut flowers
Spring Star Flower 3" 2-3" 4-5" Y Multiplies annually
Trout Lily 4" 3-4" 8-12" Y Borders
Summer Snowflake 4" 8-14" 8-14" Y Long-lasting
Darwinhybrid Tulips 6" 3-6" 22-26" N Cut flowers
Triumph Tulips 6" 3-6" 14-22" N Cut flowers
Daffodils 6" 4-6" 6-18" Y Cut flowers
Dracunculus vulgaris 5-6" 10-12" 14-20" Y Long-lasting
English Bluebells 4" 3-4" 10-14" Y Ground cover
Double Late Tulips 6" 3-6" 16-22" N Cut flowers
Fringed Tulips 6" 3-6" 14-20" N Border
Lily-Flowering Tulips 6" 3-6" 20-26" N Cut flowers
Parrot Tulips 6" 3-6" 20-28" N Bouquets
Peony-Flowering Tulips 6" 3-6" 18-22" N Bouquets
Rembrandt Tulips 6" 3-6" 16-26" N Bouquets
Wood Hyacinths 4" 3-4" 8" Y Ground cover
Viridiflora Tulips 6" 3-6" 12-26" N Cut flowers
Tassel Hyacinths 4" 2-3" 8-10" Y Long-lasting
Giant Allium 6" 4-12" 24-60" Y Dried arrangements
Alliums 3" 2-4" 12-24" Y Dried arrangements
Calochortus 2-4" 3-4" 6-24" N Resemble tulips
Camassia 3-4" 6" 15-36" Y Ground cover in shade
Firecracker Flower 3-4" 6" 24-30" N
Hardy Glads 6" 3-4" 20-24" N Blooms in early summer
Bearded Iris 2-4" 12-18" 28-40" N Blooms late spring early summer
Dwarf Iris 2-4" 6-12" 10-15" N Blooms in spring
Reblooming Iris 2-4" 12-24" 28-40" N Blooms mid-spring/early summer and again in midsummer/early fall
Arum Italicum 5-6" 4-6" 10-50" Y Good in shade
Mountain Bells 3" 2-3" 10-14" Y Borders
Mountain Lilies 3" 2-3" 12-15" Y Cut flowers
Pink Buttercups 2" 3-4" 3" Y Long blooming season
Poppy Anemones 2-3" 2-4" 10-14" N Not winter hardy; plant in spring
Double Anemones 2-3" 2-4" 10-12" N
Tritilea 2-3" 2-4" 24" Y
Tall Dutch Iris 4" 3-4" 20-24" Y Cut flowers
Cyclamen 2" 6" 4-6" Y Good in shade
Asiatic Lilies 5-6" 9-12" 36" Y Fragrant; cut flowers
Tiger Lilies 6" 9-12" 30-48" Y Cut flowers
Madonna Lily 5-6" 9-12" 36-48" Y Fragrant; cut flowers
Species Lilies 6" 4-9" 24-48" N Fragrant; cut flowers
Astilbe 1-2" 2" 24" N Cut flowers and everlasting arrangements
Peony 1-2" 3' 27-48" N Planting depth refers to maximum distance eyes on tubers should be placed below the surface
Oriental Lilies 5-6" 6-9" 24-36" N Fragrant; cut flowers
Begonias 1-2" * 6-14" N 10-12" apart in garden; 4-6" in containers
Calla 3" 12-15" 18-24" N Keep moist in summer. Good for pots too. Lift before frost.
Crocosmia 5" 4-6" 2-3' N Fall-lifting is only necessary in northern climates.
Dinnerplate 2" 2-3" 3-4" M Provide moisture and lots of sun. Your dahlias will reward you with lots of blooms. Lift before frost.
Dwarf 2" 12-18" 12" " same as above
Mixed 2" 24-36" 3-5' N same as above
Pompon 2" 12-18" 3-4' N same as above
Windowbox 2" 12-18" 12" same as above
Daylilies 2-3" 15-24" 18-36" Y Enjoy a steady succession of bell-shaped blooms all summer.
Hardy (Nanus) 6" 4-6" 3-5' N Plant at one-to-two wk intervals. Begin after last frost and continue until about two mos. before first fall frost.
Orchidola 6" 4-6" 20-24" N same as above
Dwarf 6" 4-6" 18-24" N same as above
Hardy Cyclamen 4" 12" 4-6" Y Bloom in late summer
Lilies 6-9" 6-9" 1 1/2 - 4' Y Fragrant, cut flower
Tall Hybrid 1" 18-24" 2-3" N Great as a backdrop to lower growing plants.
Creeping 1" 8-12" 3-6" N Hardy ground cover. Mass of blooms in late spring.

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